Journal for August 8th, 2001 |
Still windy and foggy at the Hotel, the Funkhana started at 10am. Rick Higgs was there at 7:30am helping set up, and got off to a late at about noon. The course was VERY technical and took each car 4 to 5 minutes to complete.
It started with the driver blindfolded, being directed by the navigator to the far end of the course and backing into a parking stall to pick up Junior (large stuffed duck). Strap him into a child seat in the back, driver can remove blindfold and carry on to deliver Junior to school. (Junior was not treated well by participants and was actually run over a few times).
Next you had to stop at the ATM machine to pick up some cash from the vendor (the navigator ran into machine). Around the course, back to the coffee shop for a MINI Latte, which you had to pay for with your money and make change.
Set full Latte on bonnet, and drive carefully around more of the course without spilling it, and dropping it off at the store, pick up the grocery item that was cell phoned to you by the start gate and deliver it to the finish line.
Points were deducted for Killing Junior, spilling the Latte, hitting cones, getting the wrong change, and a point deducted for every inch you are short of the finish line. WOW!
Craig and I mustered up enough courage to try it. We accomplished the mission fairly well we think. The results are still to be announced.
Meanwhile, back at the Host Hotel, later on in the day, was the crab fest, long line ups and a shortage of food was a disappointment for the end of the line. Thanks to the OMS for the hard work organizing all this. It was too windy and cold to sit on the beach, so everyone dispersed to warmer locations.
Last day tomorrow, till then, John G.